Saturday, 6 June 2009

Devour/ Bamboo Dreams

We returned from London having lost Nicholas on the Saturday and acquired Wuon Gean on the Sunday who was brandishing hand made books aplenty for our exhibition and launch of her two new books, Devour and Bamboo Dream that took place on the Bank Holiday Monday. The books will be on display in the shop for the next few months.

Eating cake and drinking 'Marches Iced Tea' at the book launch.

Delicious nettle and primrose and lavender cupcakes by Laura Bolt. Possibly the prettiest cakes. Although we had just returned from London (with Wuon Gean in tow) and I had loads to do in preparation for the book launch, I couldn't not make a cake. However, me being me, I chose to make a lemon and polenta cake (the one in the right hand corner) which took way over half an hour. Whereas, Wuon Gean made a wonderful chocolate in only 20 mins!

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